Arrested for Idol Crimes: Starks (Miki). The crime? The death of "Angie" (Ayumu). Imprisoned alongside Morgan (Shizuka), Ethan (Iku), and Zenovia (Karen), a mysterious government official offers them a chance for freedom.

(click through to the full post to find the character charts from the event!)

Translation: @oneletterK
Typesetting: @vini64MM
Character Charts: @oneletterK

As a bonus, here are the 3 character relation charts shown during the event!

Chart 1: Initial

Initial event character relation chart for the Criminally Dinner event

Chart 2: After Chapter 6 (End of Main Story)

Main event character relation chart for the Criminally Dinner event

Chart 3: After Chapter 8 (Final)

Final event character relation chart for the Criminally Dinner event